Saturday, September 21, 2013

TV: How I Met Your Mother (The Last Chapter) and The Big Bang Theory (Back with a Bang!)

In the age where movies make way more money than TV shows do, it'd be injustice to say that TV hasn't been as amazing as movies. I'm talking about the very popular and HIT TV shows How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory which are into their NINTH and SEVENTH seasons respectively. Sadly for the HIMYM fans, this would be the last chapter. HIMYM's previous season ended with the mother FINALLY  being revealed(yes, after 8 years!) and it'll be interesting to see how to mixes up with the gang in the final season. The HIT comedy show, The Big Bang Theory has always managed to let us fans end up in ROFL situations (sometimes even literally!) as we see geekiness mix up humor creating the perfect laughter experience.

Tune in for the season premieres for both shows on September 23(How I Met Your Mother) and September 26(The Big Bang Theory), only on CBS!

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